
About the Hindi/Urdu Program

UC Davis currently offers two years of Hindi/Urdu (Elementary Hindi, Elementary Urdu, and combined Intermediate Hindi/Urdu). Students can find Hindi/Urdu classes in Schedule Builder using the HND, URD, and HIN course codes. For questions about courses and language placement, please contact ME/SA Advising.

Linguists consider Hindi and Urdu to be dialects of the same language. Together Hindi/Urdu is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.

Written text
Urdu Image

Hindi is spoken by at least 350 million people as their first language and by about 600 million people in all, in India and also in diaspora, and Urdu is spoken by approximately 70 million people as their first language and by around 200 million people in all, in Pakistan and India as well as diaspora. Students of Hindi/Urdu will gain insights into culture and society in India and Pakistan, including South Asian music and cinema, traditional poetry, and modern writers.

HindI/Urdu spoken map

UC Davis currently offers two years of Hindi and Urdu (separate elementary and a combined intermediate level). Students of Hindi/Urdu will also find a wide range of courses on the cultures of South Asia at UC Davis. Learning Hindi/Urdu can be a rewarding and useful part of preparation for a wide range of careers in the private, public, or non-profit sectors.