There are many career paths that a student can pursue with a ME/SA major, see below for some examples. Please note that this not a comprehensive list, the ME/SA advisor can help you explore career options beyond what is on this list. Visit the UC Davis Internship and Career Center for additional professional career advising, exploration, and employment opportunities. You can also find our alumni experiences here.
- Business
- - public relations
- marketing and sales
- consumer research
- human resources
- real estate
- training
- entrepreneurship
- media - Community Services
- - non-profit agencies
- community development
- advocacy - Foreign Affairs
- - foreign service officer (see FSO Career Tracks from U.S. Department of State)
- translator - Health Services
- - community health education
- medicine (see UC Davis Pre-Health Advising for prerequisites for pre-health programs)
- medical translator
- hospital admissions - Higher Education
- - academic affairs (faculty, academic advisor, librarian, etc.)
- student affairs (admissions recruiter, international student advisor, event planner, program coordinator, cross cultural center, etc.)
- alumni relations
- development
- administration support - Law
- - law enforcement
- criminal justice
- judicial affairs
- attorney
- paralegal
- local, state and federal agencies - Publishing
- - professional writing
- research
- editing
- journalism
- translation - Social Services
- - rehabilitation
- case management
- youth and elderly services
- recreation
- administration
- local, state and federal agencies - Teaching
- - elementary
- secondary
- special education
- foreign language education
- teaching English as a second language (domestic and abroad)
- administration