• Declaring the ME/SA Major
  • How do I declare a major in Middle East/South Asia studies?
    Make an appointment with the ME/SA advisor to discuss your change of major and create an academic plan. You may initiate a Change of Major petition through the Forms & Petitions tab on the UC Davis OASIS (Online Advising Student Information System) site.

    How can I declare a double major?
    We encourage you to meet with your current major advisor and ME/SA advisor to ensure compliance with any specific rules that would affect success in petitioning for a double major. You may submit a petition online through UC Davis OASIS (Online Advising Student Information System) under "Forms & Petitions." The College of Letters and Science requires students to have approximately 75 percent of their lower division requirements complete in both majors before the petition will be approved.

    Can I take courses for the major on a pass/non-pass basis?
    Yes, you may, up to the limits set by the College of Letters and Science — i.e., one-fourth of your total units taken at UC Davis (except for courses that are graded on a pass/non-pass basis only). You also must comply with the limits set for the campus: you may enroll on a pass/non-pass basis for no more than one-third of your total units taken at UC Davis. If you are thinking about taking a course on this basis, please see the ME/SA advisor about how it will look on your transcript especially if you are considering graduate school in the future.

    Do I need to complete the "preparatory subject matter" (lower-division courses) before I can take upper-division ME/SA courses?
    It is recommended that you complete preparatory subject matter first. However, courses besides ME/SA languages (Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi/Urdu, Persian, and Punjabi) may be taken in any order. Please see the General Catalog course list for prerequisites and recommended courses or visit the ME/SA advisor. 

  • Declaring a ME/SA Minor

  • How and when should I file for a ME/SA minor?
    You can file for declaration of the minor once you are enrolled in your final courses for the minor. You may file your minor declaration online through the Forms & Petitions tab on the UC Davis OASIS (Online Advising Student Information System) site. The last date for filing is the end of the second week of instruction in the quarter of graduation.

    Can I take courses for the minor on pass/non-pass basis?
    Yes, but no more than one course can be taken on pass/no-pass basis for the minor. Before signing up for any courses pass/no-pass, please see the ME/SA advisor about how it will look on your transcript, especially if you are thinking of graduate school in the future.

  • Academic Planning

  • Students, peer advisors, and academic advisors can make academic plans on the Online Advising Student Information System (OASIS). Students are strongly advised to draft an academic plan prior to coming in for advising. Students are also able to submit an academic plan on OASIS for an advisor to approve. You will receive notification to your UCD email on whether your plan has been approved or requires revisions. To draft or submit an academic plan, go to "forms and petitions" and select "academic plan" in OASIS.

    How will I be affected if major requirements change after I have enrolled?
    You have the right to complete the requirements listed in the General Catalog at the time you entered the university. However, if you choose to complete the revised requirements instead, you may do so.

    How do I check with GE requirements I have completed?
    Please consult the College of Letters and Science Advising Office. As an introduction to navigating your GE's, watch this 5 minute video!

    Can I interrupt my studies with a leave of absence?
    Yes. Please consult the College of Letters and Science Advising Office about the Planned Educational Leave Program (PELP).

  • Transferring Courses
  • Can courses I took at a community college or another university satisfy UC Davis ME/SA major requirements?
    Courses may potentially meet preparatory subject matter (lower division courses). You can check the ASSIST (Articulation System Stimulating Interinstitutional Student Transfer) to identify equivalency between community college and UC Davis lower division courses. Even if your community college course has the same title as a UC Davis course, do not assume that it counts toward your major. Please contact the ME/SA advisor for course approvals from community colleges and other universities.

    Can courses taken in another country be applied toward the major at UC Davis?
    Courses taken at another institution and applied towards the ME/SA major at UC Davis must be approved by our department. Whether a course is applicable towards major requirements depends on how closely the outside course parallels to the content of a course offered in the ME/SA program at UC Davis. In advance of your departure, you should consult with the ME/SA Advisor to determine which courses taken abroad would be suitable for your major at UC Davis.

What if I have other questions?
Email the ME/SA Advisor at mweatherford@ucdavis.edu