Nicole Ranganath

Photo of Nicole Ranganath

Position Title
Assistant Professor of Middle East/South Asia Studies

116 Everson
1 Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
Office Hours

Wednesday: 3:00pm-4:00pm or by appointment

Nicole Ranganath is an Assistant Professor in Middle East/South Asia Studies at the University of California, Davis who specializes in the history of the Punjabi diaspora.  She has authored articles and book chapters about gender, caste, and music in the Punjabi diaspora as well as the history of Sikhs in Fiji.  Her PBS documentary, “Jutti Kasoori,” traced the history of women in California’s Punjabi community.  She is also the founding curator of the UC Davis Pioneering Punjabis Digital Archive.  Her forthcoming book is Women and the Sikh Diaspora: Music and Mobility Across the Seven Seas (2023).