
Hebrew is unique. After 2000 years, when nobody spoke it as their mother tongue, it was revived into a full and vigorous language. Today over 7 million people speak it.


Hebrew text

The Hebrew letters existed before the creation of the world.
(From the Aggadah)

Hebrew and Arabic writing go from east to west
Latin writing from west to east
Languages are like cats:
You must not stroke their hair the wrong way.

(From "Temporary Poem of my Time" by Yehuda Amichai)

Hebrew is a Semitic language that developed in the 12th century BCE; it is the language of David's psalms, the prophets' call for justice, and contemporary Israeli soccer stadiums. Written from right to left, it includes a wealth of expressions, poetry, literature, and prayers and is one of the official languages of the state of Israel.

Intermediate Hebrew in UC Davis (HEB 21, 22, 23), includes Modern Hebrew - speaking, listening, reading and writing, as well as, Biblical Hebrew - vocabulary and grammar of the Biblical text.

Join this fun class to acquire knowledge and speaking experience in a renewed, growing and fascinating language. Qualified students who join the second year Hebrew can fulfill their language requirement, while adding four units of modern Hebrew and one unit of Biblical Hebrew to their curriculum.

If you are interested in courses related to Jewish or Israeli history and culture, please visit the Jewish Studies Program website

Hebrew Scrolls

Language Placement Exam

ME/SA Studies and the Hebrew program require that students who have not previously taken Hebrew at UC Davis, but have prior experience or study of Hebrew elsewhere, take the Hebrew Placement Test at the UC Davis Language Center (https://llc.ucdavis.edu). Students who have no experience of Hebrew or previous coursework do not need a placement test, and should simply enroll Hebrew 001.

Grading in Beginning Language Courses